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Astronomia. Scoperto un sistema solare con 7 pianeti ‘fratelli’ della Terra [VIDEO]

Il sistema solare scoperto (foto NASA ndr.

di Redazione

ROMA, 24 FEB. - (ANSA) Cresce l’attesa per una delle scoperte più entusiasmanti degli ultimi anni riguardo a pianeti esterni al nostro Sistema Solare. Ad accendere la curiosità l’annuncio della Nasa: in serata, scrive sul suo sito l’agenzia spaziale americana, sarà possibile conoscere i dettagli di “nuove scoperte su pianeti che orbitano attorno a stelle diverse dal nostro Sole”. (ANSA)

Il video della conferenza stampa della NASA

”NASA to Host News Conference on Discovery Beyond Our Solar System
NASA will hold a news conference at 1 p.m. EST Wednesday, Feb. 22, to present new findings on planets that orbit stars other than our sun, known as exoplanets. The event will air live on NASA Television and the agency’s website.
Details of these findings are embargoed by the journal Nature until 1 p.m.
Limited seating is available in the NASA TV studio for media who would like to attend in person at the agency’s Headquarters at 300 E Street SW in Washington. Media unable to attend in person may ask questions by telephone. To attend in person or participate by phone, media must send an email with their name, affiliation and telephone number to Dwayne Brown at by noon Feb. 22.

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